Open Educational Resources

Globe E-Library

-The Globe eLibrary is both a web platform and mobile application that provides students and educators with free and quick access to digital story books and eLearning videos.

Directory of Open Access Journals

DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. 

Google Scholar

Free online site

-Download only those files with .pdf, .html or with remarks on the right side of the window

Let's Read - Digital Library

Let's Read creates a world in which knowledgeable and inquisitive readers establish prosperous communities. Let's Read builds an unparalleled digital collection of relatable, locally written books that is available to all children by utilizing the Asia Foundation's eighteen offices throughout the area and strong connections with local communities. Let's Read fosters reading habits that help families share stories that uplift their culture, communities thrive and become more inclusive, and children meet significant developmental milestones. You can read it online or download the PDF file of the story you like to read.


OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center

Free online site

-For theses and dissertations resources

Starbook Online

Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly Operated KioskS 

-register/sign up


-Open access Tools 

OPEN Textbook Library

-Open textbooks are licensed by authors and publishers to be freely used and adapted. Download, edit and distribute them at no cost. 


-is a digital library of academic journals, books, and primary sources. 

Other open Educational Resources:

-List of Filipiniana E-Books that you can use.

- List of some E-Books Collections that you can use for academic purposes only.



We maintain a library of about 25 Christian ebooks that have been restored from the original 1800's text written by or about missionaries to the Hawaiian Islands that are downloadable for free. Feel free to browse the list of ebooks at the below link and download any time.

Genre: » Personal Development

-This eBook has rich content that will not only enrich your life but change your life forever. It is written by a Life coach with years of experience in teaching people the power of positive thinking. You can get this eBook for free.

To download this eBook, you will be required to complete a simple survey to unlock the download. You will have to enter your email but you have the option to use a spam email or if you are using your main email, you can unsubscribe at anytime.

Just complete a survey that interest you and you can have the eBook for free. This eBook is available for free for a limited time.

Note that you can have this eBook, sell it and keep the money. Its yours totally free.

Get FREE access to our e-Book collection.

But how? It's easy, just click the link below and fill-out the form 👇